balls in the following way: from the assumption it follows that the diameter
of E is finite, and by multiplying the distance on E by a constant, we may
assume that <5(E) < 1/2, hence E is a ball B0 of radius 1. Suppose the Bfc
have been defined for 0 < fc < w — 1, and that for these values of k, Bk has a
radius equal to l/2fc, and there is no finite subfamily of (UA)AgL which is a
covering of Bk . Then we consider a finite covering (Vfc)1^fc^m of E by balls
of radius 1/2"; among the balls Vk which have a nonempty intersection with
B,,-!, there is one at least Bn for which no finite subfamily of (UA) is a covering;
otherwise, as these Vk form a covering of Bn^l7 there would be a finite sub-
family of (U^) which would be a covering of Bn-ii the induction can thus
proceed indefinitely. Let xn be the center of BM; as Bn»1 and BM have a com-
mon point, the triangle inequality shows that

Hence, if /?</?< q, we have
This proves that (xn) is a Cauchy sequence in E, hence converges to a point a.
Let A0 be an index such that a e UAo; there is an a > 0 such that B(a; a) c UAo .
From the definition of a, it follows there exists an integer n such that
d(a, xn) < a/2, and l/2"<a/2. The triangle inequality then shows that
Bn c. B(a; a) c: UAo. But this is a contradiction since no finite subfamily
of (UJ is supposed to be a covering of B,, .

(3.16.2) Any precompact metric space is separable.
If E is precompact, for any n there is, by definition, a finite subset An
of E such that for every x e E5 d(x, An) < 1/n. Let A = \J An; A is at most

denumerable, and for each x e E, d(x, A) < d(x, AB) < l/n for any n, hence
rf(jc, A) = 0, E=A.

(3.16.3) Let E be a metric space. Any two of the following properties Imply
the third:

(a) E is compact.
(b) E is discrete (more precisely, homeomorphic to a discrete space).
(c) E is finite.